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GenoMi Diagnostics SLU 


GenoMI Diagnostics SLU is a start-up company established in Mallorca and dedicated to the development of in vitro diagnostic (IVD) devices, primarily aimed at the detection and diagnosis of viral infections. GenoMI is currently developing diagnostic kits for 2 viruses based on PRC-LAMP technology. PRC-LAMP.

Servicios / Productos

  • COVID19-FastPCR Test: rapid diagnostic test for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 (awaiting prior manufacturing license from the agency).
  • EBV-FastPCR Test: rapid diagnostic test for Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) (early stages of development).

Tecnología / Patentes

Mercado / Áreas de desarrollo

España, Europa e internacional

Spain, Europe and international

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Avda des Raiguer 7 CP: 07190, Consell