Object: Aid for international business projects aimed at the market, presented by a single Spanish company, within an international consortium. These projects can include both industrial research and experimental development activities.
Beneficiaries: Beneficiaries of the aid object of this call may be companies that are validly incorporated and have a tax domicile in Spain
- The maximum amount to be granted under this call for the period 2017-2020 will be 10 million euros in grant concepts.
- The financing of the aids may be multi-annual (from 12 to 36 months)
- The individualized amount of the aids will be determined in terms of the cost of the project, the characteristics of the BENEFICIARY and the availability of the budget.
- In any case, the maximum amount of subsidies will be:
- Small businesses: up to 50% of the approved budget.
- Small medium: up to 40% of the approved budget.
- Small Large: up to 30% of approved budget.
- In addition, the maximum amount of subsidies per project will be 400,000 euros.
- The perception of these aids will be incompatible with any other grant or aid intended for the Same project.
Deadline for submission of applications: will remain open until June 5, 2017, at 12:00 noon, peninsular time.
On the following link you can find more information: